This site is made to explain hideout to people willing to listen. From story explanation, to character design.

To be honest, I've never expected this project to take as much shape as it did up to this day. It was supposed to be a random funny story about gay furries, nothing too big. Yet here we are.
- Victa'
So, what is hideout about? (summary)
The main protagonist May worked as a janitor for a circus, she discovered the real reason why the frekshows look so horribly malnourished. They were kept in cages, beaten and starved.

After the discovery, May freed Twig, 16 and 47 in that order. Next they go to an abandoned house and eat pigeons to survive

Well? What's next?
George finds them in that house! He invites Lenard to join the circus freaks on their escape. Lenard does arrive. He then takes the group to Mays house 4 hours of driving away. Nothing too big happens next, just "episodes" of them going through funny or depressing situations. The comic currently contains just the start, however you can read the full story on Wattpad.

Where to read hideout?

May Tillson

She is 18 years old and turns 19 later in the story. She is a girl with long hair and 3/4 of her tail is chopped off from a childhood accident in her farm. She lived her early life in a farm with her parents and very often lived with her grandmother who she loved very dearly, her parents got divorced and her mom couldn't keep up with the farm life due to lack of money so they moved into an apartment in town. Everything was seemingly fine, May lived good and happy but her grandmother got ill and obviously May had no money for chemotherapy, May then got into the bad side of town and her own public school was a great start point for her. She slowly started getting into gangs, fights, she has used dr/gs before but almost never from her own wish, it was just to get closer to her goal. It eventually worked and she started transporting and selling dr/gs, that gave her a lot of money and she tried everything to save her grandma but she still passed away. May had loads of money in her pockets left and she decided to abandon her gang life for good. She worked in the circus as a janitor as she really liked those fun places and she needed money to survive (her money from the past was kept for special occasions).She is quite a welcoming person, she is accepting and has a decent sense of humor, she strives off of getting attention and compliments. She doesn't have any words that are frequently used, her mood changes reasonably, doesn't get angry easily.Her hobbies are knitting, reading, woodcarving, making music, interior design.

May was first made as a doll. The inspiration to make her came from a video online on how to make ball jointed dolls.
Not the prettiest doll, but it was my second project so don't blame me.
P.S. I dont really like may :-[


TW// MENTIONS OF EATING DISORDERSummarized: EDGELORD but you should feel bad cause of his past I guessOff the bat he looks like a sad piece of shit due to his slouching and horrible posture. His personality is even more foul. He is a horrible edgelord and his only weakness is emotions. All this horrible attitude is a way off seeking attention and showing how "unbreakable" he is with his overused slurs. He is actually very emotional and putting up a front is his only way to cope, it's no excuse for his disgusting behavior but he doesn't know how to approach this. Every time he showed affection, happiness, sadness or anger he was made fun of and the only person he had died in a gruesome way (explained later). He lived in an average suburban household, his name was Jack at the time, kids at school would not be so nice to him for his behavior issues, there was something wrong with the way he acted, he wasn't mature as everyone else. This bullying lead him to walk fast and look down, this made his back crooked. He slowly closed off all his true personality, he was no longer cheerful and happy. He became what the kids wanted to be, edgy and emotionally untouchable, this didn't make him popular though, humor and social interaction wasn't his strength. From all the frustration of not being good enough he cracked, he got the gun and shot at crows from anger until he got locked up in a ward, he was prescribed antipsychotics. He started working for the circus as a janitor and he would get a lot of comments calling him "a freak who escaped the cages" from passerbys, every day he ate less and less from self hatred until the circus became interested in his very thin figure, they made him sign a contract for a "promotion" that made him forever trapped in the circus. From absolute rage he began trying to kill everyone but the circus had their tricks at calming him down with medicine. He kept losing weight and getting worse, he found a friend but that friend died of starvation and was partially eaten by 47 and another guy cause they needed to survive too. That trauma made him absolutely lose it, he became permanently pissed at the world, he shouts slurs at everyone he can, especially 47. He is no longer a person, the rage made him an animal and that was profited off too by making him do insane stunts. The only time it was seen him showing genuine emotion is towards May, he loves her and if he realized that he has no chance with her, then it's no telling what he would do next. Probably kill everyone. Who knows. The only thing that makes him a person anymore is that he suppresses his humanity in order to not kill everyone, the person inside him is enraged for his whole life.Hobbies: none.

Twig was made as a doll, he was actually THE FIRST doll of a hideout character. Videos of how to make ball jointed dolls inspired me to make him.P.S. I only like Twig cause he's so embarrassing and edgy it's funny. Also I've noticed how different characters portray different versions of me, Twig feels like me in the past, 10-13 years old. Though with time I've changed, while he has not.


Summarized: she does weird and unpredictable stuff sometimes.She is a woman with a weird haircut, lesbian, a bit more chubby than everyone else but despite it she's very energetic and always in need of adventures, she gets herself in situations a lot just for the fun of it. She got in the circus at 7 years old, she got an infection on her belly skin and it got so bad her mom wasn't sure if she will make it, her mom still brought her to all the doctors but they were too expensive and none of them did anything good so she gave Vanessa (16's name at the time) to the circus laboratory as it was the closest laboratory in town, they took the chance and told the mother that her daughter will 100% die but they are gonna use her last moments alive to figure out her disease and then use her for donor work as there's "a whole bunch of kids out these in need of organ transplants", the grieving mom left them alone and 16 was then modified to live with a synthetic skin on her stomach made to make her seethrough so that the organs would be showcased. She lived all her life as a freak but in the break time she would talk to her friends, she was already friends with 47 and Twig, she would be a therapist for many people with psychotic tendencies as she understood them very well. She uses words like "wonderous", "rad", "hell yeah" a lot.Hobbies: psychology, hairstyling, knife making, knife throwing.

Yet again, she was a doll, almost like every character. I actually wanted to make 47 a girlfriend so he "wouldn't be lonely" stupid I know, however she didn't really.. feel right that way. She was just a friend ever since!P.S. I love her, sad I don't draw her enough.


Summarized: gentle giant.He is a 36 year old guy, he appears big and intimidating but just one sentence from him is enough to convince you that you could absolutely win a fist fight against him cause he's the softest person out there. His voice is a very low-deep dulled metallic voice, his eye isn't really damaged, it's just that he hit his head and it went numb, it's like a googly eye and he was so embarrassed about it that he requested the nurse to sow up a bandage on it. He was in the circus since birth, his mother didn't want him cause of his 4 legs so he got to live in there. The circus (described by him) is very welcoming, the keepers might torture you but the people are wonderful, they care for you and there's no bullying because everyone is different, that's the point. His personality is deeply rooted in what he had to do for survival, all he wants is others to be happy and that is rooted in him needing to entertain people in order to eat or drink. All those years of torture subconsciously made him the most forgiving and laid back person out there, he is great with parenting kids and giving life advice, many people went to him to calm down and talk things out until they were almost completely healthy from stress, 47 has become so attached to making others happy that he has done many bad things to his own self like not sleeping, not eating, doing too many tasks, overworking. The only good deed he has done for himself is working out when sad so that he could help people with lifting stuff or just protecting others. He only cares about the enjoyment of others to where his own health is nothing to him. (He is quite horrible for misunderstanding people's issues and just telling them that it's their fault, this has ended badly once). During his free time his most favorite activity would be to help the actors and magicians with ropes, he would tie them for decorations to hang or on people so that they could be suspended from the ground without feeling a thing. Most spoken words are "lovely", "sweetheart", and such, he mostly uses these for Len as 47 is kinda :pride flag emoji: if it's not obvious already. He does have an exception, he calls everyone "sweetie", just Lenard is a "sweetheart" to him.Hobbies: sculpting, drawing, rope tying, gardening, cooking, woodworking, poetry.

Yes, 47 was a doll too.
P.S. he's my favorite crust man. <3

Lenard Liston

Summarized: coocoo surgeon.
He has long hair and a confident stance, he acts pretty laid-back and easygoing though, just a man who got his life together (spoiler alert, he doesn't have his life together). He started out as a girl, his parents loved him very much and he was always dressed pretty but he never felt true happiness. Years went by and at 16 years old he discovered that there are people out there who changed gender identity, he was delighted by these news and was filled with excitement for weeks until he finally told his mom about it. Lenard's mother told his father, his father made fun of Lenard and ridiculed him out of it, Len tried his best to gather proof and reasons why it's okay but nothing worked against his extremely traditional parents. He finally moved out to college and found friends who encouraged him to be who he his, at the time his mother died though. Despite the happenings in his life he became happy again, he changed his name, got treatment, everything went smoothly and he decided to never contact his father again due to all the abuse he received in the past. He has a cross from his mother that he used to pray with in his hand when something went wrong, ironically it was only used because of his own family.
Despite all these things he grew up to be happy, there are times where his trauma slips up and shows how badly he was hurt but he's pretty good at coping.. though the coping methods aren't the best at times. He is easily hurt and rather an absolute materialist than a spiritualist. Based on everything his personality type would be INTP. A horrible habit of his is to remind himself of his past on purpose and then cry until someone (THAT SOMEONE IS 47) comes to calm him down, he finds the gentle and soft attention wonderful but he hardly acknowledges how much every tear of his hurts and stresses out 47. Overall he's a great surgeon that funny enough has troubles on the most easy medical procedures but an absolute god at difficult surgeries, at work he was treated as a good doctor but not a trustworthy one due to his "questionable" results, he studied biological engineering alongside George and learned how to perform surgeries (he got out of school earlier to finish his studies during work). He acts happy a lot, like a group leader in a way. This is to seem like a good person because he feels bad for working alongside the circus while knowing how bad it is.Hobbies: operations on dead animals, sewing, drawing (all those anatomy studies made him draw well).

He actually first existed as a drawing unlike everyone else. By now there's like 3 dolls of him.P.S. He's what I aspire to be, he's top coolest dude.

You actually reached the end?
Hope you liked this! :-]